The Chronicles of Alliance Chiropractic's fabulous new office - Week 5

Progress report from Alliance Wellness at the Ruby!

We're almost in the middle now, aiming for completion by July 4th.....busy as bees.  Before and After pictures are so dramatic; these are almost like real time, like being there.  Can you smell the sheetrock dust?  It's kind of a mess (not a good idea to wear high heels and black to a job site like this) and not very pretty right now, but trust me - it will be so cool!

The walls are going up, the infrastructure is in, and the ceiling will be painted in a few days.  Here's the eventual reception desk.....

Stay tuned.  Don't touch that dial - it's going  to get very interesting!  (But we still need a coffee place next door.....)

Posted on May 26, 2010 and filed under Design, Projects.