How long does it take for a bathroom or kitchen to become dated? After nearly 13 years of staring at tile I absolutely loathed, it became clear that it was time to remodel our master bath. Clear to me, anyway - ha! It took tremendous persuasion on my part to convince my husband.
Here's what it looked like "before":
Not bad, but that tile....ugh
And time for the huge jetted tub and glass shower enclosure to go!
Ah, if only we could dream up the perfect room and then wave a magic wand or wiggle a nose like Samantha and - poof! - it would be so. But, unfortunately, there's a bit more to it than that.....
First, there's the "vision". I created a Pinterest board called Master Bath and began assembling photos of gorgeous bathrooms and specific products. This photo was the guiding aesthetic:
Love this chateau feeling
Once the aesthetic was agreed upon, (avec qui? You might ask) we started shopping for materials. I found the perfect stone remnant for the Waterworks washstand top at Architectural Stone Werkes in South Seattle.....
Perfect for the top!
.....and the perfect Versailles pattern travertine tile for the floor at Daltile
Paredon in Peruvian Cream for the floor
Next, assembling the team: the carpenter, plumbers, electrician, tile installer, stone fabricator, painter, leaded glass window artisan. Fabulous, one and all!
Then, oh boy, demolition was begun.....
Are we done, yet?
and framing....
Taking shape....
......electrical and plumbing rough-in.....
.....extraordinary tiling by John Cosfol.....
John Cosfol, master tiler
.......electrical fixtures installed...
The best electrician, Chris Valentino
.....painting by the wonderful and inspirational Shannon Noel.....
The fabulous Shannon Noel! Getting closer every day
.... the plumbing fixtures installed....
And here's the funny part - now, not at the time. Ok, so everything was going swimmingly - except, of course, for not being completed in 2 weeks. But still. The plumbers had to muscle our new tub up the millions of stairs in our home and I couldn't watch for fear of jinxing them in some way. So, I sauntered in just as they were 90% finished installing the tub only to discover ---- it wasn't my tub!!!! AACK! (Or words to that effect)
Lovely, but not mine!
What are the chances that two tubs with the same exact dimensions - but in different styles - are ordered from the same manufacturer and arrive the same day but have the owners' names swapped??! After frantically calling my salesperson, Erika Knight, (she's great, by the way) at Chown Hardware, she located my tub and arranged to have it delivered the next morning! How's that for service? They even had to muscle down the wrong tub and then carry up (again) the correct one! All's well that ends well.....
This is the Victoria + Albert tub I actually ordered!
Et voila! Just like that, it's complete! And we love it so much....
Love this decorative drain cover!
Sconces by Visual Comfort
Perfect spot for an Italian gilt painted antique nightstand.....
.......and a Louis Philippe mirror
A mundane skylight became romantic
Just in case you forgot what it looks like now!
Remodeling is not for the faint of heart or those without an adventurous spirit. It's a wonderful, glorious undertaking, akin to giving birth - sort of - in that the final product is so worth the discomfort and, sometimes, agony. Very much worth it!